Saturday, September 17, 2016

Day 32 - Procrastination with the excuse that there's nothing to do

The problem I've been having, and accepting and allowing, is procrastinating with the idea that there is nothing to do, when In fact I have multiple options that would make my time productive and useful.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to waiste time through procrastination and not doing anything because of the excuse that there's nothing to do, when I'm really just not wanting to put in the effort, and not wanting to experience the physical force it requires, because I've accepted and allowed myself to define working my hardest as "bad", or "boring", when I'n fact, regardless of how challenging it is, I could benifit in the long term if I would just move myself, and develop a perspective that work is something that I can enjoy, and to define what the real experience of working is.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to look at the micro situations, of telling myself "well this isn't working out currently", when not realizing that I have so much benifit from working my hardest, believing in myself with self confidence, and through having practical patients and faith that it will all work out, without anything being fear driven. Within this I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not look at the future of what I am capable of, and focusing on what It is that I am aiming for.

When and as I see myself holding back through procrastination, with making the excuse that I have nothing else to do, I stop, and breath, and I move myself to doing something that benifits my goals of what I want to be and do in the future.

I commit myself to work my hardest, yet not too hard, and to focus on the macro situatin that I am aiming for in my life with no excuses or waisting time.

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