Tuesday, March 29, 2016

day 17 - laughing at my bullshit, this bullshit system

I'm at the hospital because I was afraid I was going to die, or lose my identity, myself. HAHAHAHA.

Why the duck am I so worried about the points I have to face, when it's all a load of bullshit? Why am I so wrapped up in expressing myself a specific way just to please those who are so keen on keeping others trapped in an illusion of happiness and suppression.

Why do I worry so much about points that could easily be a point of facing myself in practical living, and really just doing what's automatic and see I g where I lack the responsibility by just simply taking care of it. HAHAHA.

Why am I so afraid of being called out, when it's practically a point I need to look at as see I g where I think all the Damon time to try and figure out what the problem is, nd trying to hold onto false identities to make myself feel better for women, when it makes no sense to just be here as a point of practical living and play and fun. Why do I make process this dreadful bullshit thing that I'm afraid of looking bad, when it's just resonant points that I'm facing, and have refused to take care of because I was simply afraid to look bad and stupid, Hashanah. Why do I care so much about what others thin km of me, when I'm simply seeing that it's merely just a point that I'm experiencing, and nothing else.

Why do I let authority figures dictate my self expression, when all of it is just points that I CAN SIMPLY TAKE CARE OF IN EACH MOMENT OF EXPRESSION.

Why do I let fear dictate my reality, when all I require doing is working and having fun without letting fear and authority figures make me this diminished person who can't face his own shot, because he allows points like humility to dictate me.

Why do I fear being looked at as stupid.

Why do I fear expressing myself practically to what is here
Why do I think that I'm this special person, and try to protect how I feel, when it has nothing to do with practically being here.

Duck this stupid bullshit system.

Duck trying to please everybody and look good or bad or the whole thing that has nothing to do with actually being here as breath and focusing on the practical point of living, and facing myself and s to piping fears.

I laugh at the system as what it is, and know that reprogramming is simply a system, and nothing else but something that is used to control and create this idea that I'm a "bad person" or "good person".

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to fear looking bad.

I forgive myself that I've accepted an den allowed myself to fear looking bad, when I simply can just take the necessary responsibility for what is here, without judging it, and just simply changing it to what is here.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to fear looking bad, and living with people who do nothing but create a point of seclusion. Not blaming them, but simply taking the initiative to get the duck out of these prison cells that I create for myself, and practically expressing myself as to what is here.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to judge myself for what is here, and not practically just support myself in change by taking self responsibility.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not practically be here as a poi t of seeing what is best for myself, and working and playing o. That point to practically be here as what it is I need to do, and stop judging myself and blaming myself because of what I've accepted and allowed to convince myself that my expression is this "bad thing"

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not practically create myself as to what is best, and to focus on what it is I need and want to live a comfortable and happy life and to support others within that point.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to hold onto point instead of just moving and releasing them for what I need to do to face myself as to what is here. Stop using all of these excuses to not take self responsibility and just live for what is best, and. Hanging that intent over time

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